Documentation - Javalin 4.X
This page contains documentation for an older version of Javalin. Go to to view documentation for the newest version.
Getting started
Add the dependency:
- Maven
- Gradle
- Grape
- Leiningen
- Buildr
- Ivy
Not familiar with Maven? Read our Maven tutorial.
Not familiar with Gradle? Read our Gradle tutorial.
libraryDependencies += "io.javalin" % "javalin" % "4.6.7"
@Grab(group='io.javalin', module='javalin', version='4.6.7')
[io.javalin/javalin "4.6.7"]
<dependency org="io.javalin" name="javalin" rev="4.6.7" />
If you want Javalin with testing tools, Jackson and Logback,
you can use the artifact id javalin-bundle
instead of javalin
Start coding:
- Java
- Kotlin
import io.javalin.Javalin;
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
var app = Javalin.create(/*config*/)
.get("/", ctx -> ctx.result("Hello World"))
import io.javalin.Javalin
fun main() {
val app = Javalin.create(/*config*/)
.get("/") { ctx -> ctx.result("Hello World") }
Javalin has three main handler types: before-handlers, endpoint-handlers, and after-handlers. (There are also exception-handlers and error-handlers, but we’ll get to them later). The before-, endpoint- and after-handlers require three parts:
- A verb, one of:
) - A path, ex:
- A handler implementation, ex
ctx -> { ... }
,MyClass implements Handler
, etc
The Handler
interface has a void return type. You use a method like ctx.result(result)
, or ctx.future(future)
to set the response which will be returned to the user.
You can learn about how Javalin handles concurrency in FAQ - Concurrency.
Before handlers
Before-handlers are matched before every request (including static files).
- Java
- Kotlin
app.before(ctx -> {
// runs before all requests
app.before("/path/*", ctx -> {
// runs before request to /path/*
app.before { ctx ->
// runs before all requests
app.before("/path/*") { ctx ->
// runs before request to /path/*
Endpoint handlers
Endpoint handlers are the main handler type, and defines your API. You can add a GET handler to
server data to a client, or a POST handler to receive some data.
Common methods are supported directly on the Javalin
uncommon operations (TRACE, CONNECT) are supported via Javalin#addHandler
Endpoint-handlers are matched in the order they are defined.
- Java
- Kotlin
app.get("/output", ctx -> {
// some code
});"/input", ctx -> {
// some code
app.get("/output") { ctx ->
// some code
}"/input") { ctx ->
// some code
Handler paths can include path-parameters. These are available via ctx.pathParam("key")
- Java
- Kotlin
app.get("/hello/{name}", ctx -> { // the {} syntax does not allow slashes ('/') as part of the parameter
ctx.result("Hello: " + ctx.pathParam("name"));
app.get("/hello/<name>", ctx -> { // the <> syntax allows slashes ('/') as part of the parameter
ctx.result("Hello: " + ctx.pathParam("name"));
app.get("/hello/{name}") { ctx -> // the {} syntax does not allow slashes ('/') as part of the parameter
ctx.result("Hello: " + ctx.pathParam("name"))
app.get("/hello/<name>") { ctx -> // the <> syntax allows slashes ('/') as part of the parameter
ctx.result("Hello: " + ctx.pathParam("name"))
Handler paths can also include wildcard parameters:
- Java
- Kotlin
app.get("/path/*", ctx -> { // will match anything starting with /path/
ctx.result("You are here because " + ctx.path() + " matches " + ctx.matchedPath());
app.get("/path/*") { ctx -> // will match anything starting with /path/
ctx.result("You are here because " + ctx.path() + " matches " + ctx.matchedPath())
However, you cannot extract the value of a wildcard.
Use a slash accepting path-parameter (<param-name>
) if you need this behavior.
After handlers
After-handlers run after every request (even if an exception occurred)
- Java
- Kotlin
app.after(ctx -> {
// run after all requests
app.after("/path/*", ctx -> {
// runs after request to /path/*
app.after { ctx ->
// run after all requests
app.after("/path/*") { ctx ->
// runs after request to /path/*
The Context
object provides you with everything you need to handle a http-request.
It contains the underlying servlet-request and servlet-response, and a bunch of getters
and setters.
// Request methods
body() // request body as string
bodyAsBytes() // request body as array of bytes
bodyAsInputStream() // request body as input stream
bodyAsClass(clazz) // request body as specified class (deserialized from JSON)
bodyStreamAsClass(clazz) // request body as specified class (memory optimized version of above)
bodyValidator(clazz) // request body as validator typed as specified class
uploadedFile("name") // uploaded file by name
uploadedFiles("name") // all uploaded files by name
uploadedFiles() // all uploaded files as list
formParam("name") // form parameter by name, as string
formParamAsClass("name", clazz) // form parameter by name, as validator typed as specified class
formParams("name") // list of form parameters by name
formParamMap() // map of all form parameters
pathParam("name") // path parameter by name as string
pathParamAsClass("name", clazz) // path parameter as validator typed as specified class
pathParamMap() // map of all path parameters
basicAuthCredentialsExist() // true if request has basic auth credentials
basicAuthCredentials() // basic auth credentials (if set)
attribute("name", value) // set an attribute on the request
attribute("name") // get an attribute on the request
attributeMap() // map of all attributes on the request
contentLength() // content length of the request body
contentType() // request content type
cookie("name") // request cookie by name
cookieMap() // map of all request cookies
header("name") // request header by name (can be used with Header.HEADERNAME)
headerAsClass("name", clazz) // request header by name, as validator typed as specified class
headerMap() // map of all request headers
host() // host as string
ip() // ip as string
isMultipart() // true if the request is multipart
isMultipartFormData() // true if the request is multipart/formdata
method() // request methods (GET, POST, etc)
path() // request path
port() // request port
protocol() // request protocol
queryParam("name") // query param by name as string
queryParamAsClass("name", clazz) // query param parameter by name, as validator typed as specified class
queryParams("name") // list of query parameters by name
queryParamMap() // map of all query parameters
queryString() // full query string
scheme() // request scheme
sessionAttribute("name", value) // set a session attribute
sessionAttribute("name") // get a session attribute
consumeSessionAttribute("name") // get a session attribute, and set value to null
cachedSessionAttribute("name", value) // set a session attribute, and cache the value as a request attribute
cachedSessionAttribute("name") // get a session attribute, and cache the value as a request attribute
cachedSessionAttributeOrCompute(...) // same as above, but compute and set if value is absent
sessionAttributeMap() // map of all session attributes
url() // request url
fullUrl() // request url + query string
contextPath() // request context path
userAgent() // request user agent
// Response methods
result("result") // set result stream to specified string (overwrites any previously set result)
result(byteArray) // set result stream to specified byte array (overwrites any previously set result)
result(inputStream) // set result stream to specified input stream (overwrites any previously set result)
seekableStream(inputStream, "type") // write content immediately as seekable stream (useful for audio and video)
resultStream() // get current result stream
resultString() // get current result stream as string (if possible), and reset result stream
future(future, callback) // set the result to be a future, see async section (overwrites any previously set result)
resultFuture() // get current result future
contentType("type") // set the response content type
header("name", "value") // set response header by name (can be used with Header.HEADERNAME)
redirect("/path", code) // redirect to the given path with the given status code
status(code) // set the response status code
status() // get the response status code
cookie("name", "value", maxAge) // set response cookie by name, with value and max-age (optional).
cookie(cookie) // set cookie using javalin Cookie class
removeCookie("name", "/path") // removes cookie by name and path (optional)
json(obj) // calls result(jsonString), and also sets content type to json
jsonStream(obj) // calls result(jsonStream), and also sets content type to json
html("html") // calls result(string), and also sets content type to html
render("/template.tmpl", model) // calls html(renderedTemplate)
// Other methods
handlerType() // handler type of the current handler (BEFORE, AFTER, GET, etc)
appAttribute("name") // get an attribute on the Javalin instance. see app attributes section below
matchedPath() // get the path that was used to match this request (ex, "/hello/{name}")
endpointHandlerPath() // get the path of the endpoint handler that was used to match this request
cookieStore // see cookie store section below
App Attributes
App Attributes can be registered on the Javalin instance, then accessed through the appAttribute(...)
method in Context
- Java
- Kotlin
app.attribute("myValue", "foo");
app.get("/attribute", ctx -> {
String myValue = ctx.attribute("myValue");
ctx.result(myValue); // -> foo
app.attribute("myValue", "foo")
app.get("/attribute") { ctx ->
val myValue: String = ctx.appAttribute("myValue")
ctx.result(myValue) // -> foo
Some of the methods in Context
can be configured through the ContextResolvers
configuration class:
- Java
- Kotlin
Javalin.create(config -> {
config.contextResolvers(resolvers -> {
resolvers.ip = ctx -> "custom ip"; // called by Context#ip() = ctx -> "custom host"; // called by Context#host()
resolvers.scheme = ctx -> "custom scheme"; // called by Context#scheme()
resolvers.url = ctx -> "custom url"; // called by Context#url()
resolvers.fullUrl = ctx -> "custom fullUrl"; // called by Context#fullUrl()
Javalin.create { config ->
config.contextResolvers { resolvers ->
resolvers.ip = { ctx -> "custom ip" } // called by Context#ip() = { ctx -> "custom host" } // called by Context#host()
resolvers.scheme = { ctx -> "custom scheme" } // called by Context#scheme()
resolvers.url = { ctx -> "custom url" } // called by Context#url()
resolvers.fullUrl { = ctx -> "custom fullUrl" } // called by Context#fullUrl()
Cookie Store
The ctx.cookieStore()
functions provide a convenient way for sharing information between handlers, request, or even servers:
ctx.cookieStore(key, value); // store any type of value
ctx.cookieStore(key); // read any type of value
ctx.clearCookieStore(); // clear the cookie-store
The cookieStore works like this:
- The first handler that matches the incoming request will populate the cookie-store-map with the data currently stored in the cookie (if any).
- This map can now be used as a state between handlers on the same request-cycle, pretty much in the same way as
- At the end of the request-cycle, the cookie-store-map is serialized, base64-encoded and written to the response as a cookie. This allows you to share the map between requests and servers (in case you are running multiple servers behind a load-balancer)
- Java
- Kotlin"/cookie-storer", ctx -> {
ctx.cookieStore("string", "Hello world!");
ctx.cookieStore("i", 42);
ctx.cookieStore("list", Arrays.asList("One", "Two", "Three"));
serverTwoApp.get("/cookie-reader", ctx -> { // runs on a different server than serverOneApp
String string = ctx.cookieStore("string")
int i = ctx.cookieStore("i")
List<String> list = ctx.cookieStore("list")
});"/cookie-storer") { ctx ->
ctx.cookieStore("string", "Hello world!")
ctx.cookieStore("i", 42)
ctx.cookieStore("list", listOf("One", "Two", "Three"))
serverTwoApp.get("/cookie-reader") { ctx -> // runs on a different server than serverOneApp
val string = ctx.cookieStore<String>("string")
val i = ctx.cookieStore<Int>("i")
val list = ctx.cookieStore<List<String>>("list")
Since the client stores the cookie, the get
request to serverTwoApp
will be able to retrieve the information that was passed in the post
to serverOneApp
Please note that cookies have a max-size of 4kb.
Javalin has a very intuitive way of handling WebSockets. You declare an endpoint with a path and configure the different event handlers in a lambda:
- Java
- Kotlin"/websocket/{path}", ws -> {
ws.onConnect(ctx -> System.out.println("Connected"));
});"/websocket/{path}") { ws ->
ws.onConnect { ctx -> println("Connected") }
There are a total of five events supported:
The different flavors of WsContext
expose different things, for example,
has the method .message()
which gives you the message that the client sent.
The differences between the different contexts is small, and a full overview can be seen in the WsContext section.
You can learn about how Javalin handles WebSocket concurrency in FAQ - Concurrency.
The app.wsBefore
adds a handler that runs before a WebSocket handler.
You can have as many before-handlers as you want per WebSocket endpoint, and all events are supported.
- Java
- Kotlin
app.wsBefore(ws -> {
// runs before all WebSocket requests
app.wsBefore("/path/*", ws -> {
// runs before websocket requests to /path/*
app.wsBefore { ws ->
// runs before all WebSocket requests
app.wsBefore("/path/*") { ws ->
// runs before websocket requests to /path/*
A WebSocket endpoint is declared with, handler)
. WebSocket handlers require unique paths.
- Java
- Kotlin"/websocket/{path}", ws -> {
ws.onConnect(ctx -> System.out.println("Connected"));
ws.onMessage(ctx -> {
User user = ctx.messageAsClass(User.class); // convert from json
ctx.send(user); // convert to json and send back
ws.onBinaryMessage(ctx -> System.out.println("Message"))
ws.onClose(ctx -> System.out.println("Closed"));
ws.onError(ctx -> System.out.println("Errored"));
});"/websocket/{path}") { ws ->
ws.onConnect { ctx -> println("Connected") }
ws.onMessage { ctx ->
val user = ctx.messageAsClass<User>(); // convert from json
ctx.send(user); // convert to json and send back
ws.onBinaryMessage { ctx -> println("Message") }
ws.onClose { ctx -> println("Closed") }
ws.onError { ctx -> println("Errored") }
The app.wsAfter
adds a handler that runs after a WebSocket handler.
You can have as many after-handlers as you want per WebSocket endpoint, and all events are supported.
- Java
- Kotlin
app.wsAfter(ws -> {
// runs after all WebSocket requests
app.wsAfter("/path/*", ws -> {
// runs after websocket requests to /path/*
app.wsAfter { ws ->
// runs after all WebSocket requests
app.wsAfter("/path/*") { ws ->
// runs after websocket requests to /path/*
The WsContext
object provides you with everything you need to handle a websocket-request.
It contains the underlying websocket session and servlet-request, and convenience methods for sending
messages to the client.
// Session methods
send(obj) // serialize object to json string and send it to client
send("message") // send string to client
send(byteBuffer) // send bytes to client
// Upgrade Context methods (getters)
matchedPath() // get the path that was used to match this request (ex, "/hello/{name}")
host() // host as string
queryParam("name") // query param by name as string
queryParamAsClass("name", clazz) // query param parameter by name, as validator typed as specified class
queryParams("name) // list of query parameters by name
queryParamMap() // map of all query parameters
queryString() // full query string
pathParam("name") // path parameter by name as string
pathParamAsClass("name", clazz) // path parameter as validator typed as specified class
pathParamMap() // map of all path parameters
header("name") // request header by name (can be used with Header.HEADERNAME)
headerAsClass("name", clazz) // request header by name, as validator typed as specified class
headerMap() // map of all request headers
cookie("name") // request cookie by name
cookieMap() // map of all request cookies
attribute("name", value) // set an attribute on the request
attribute("name") // get an attribute on the request
attributeMap() // map of all attributes on the request
sessionAttribute("name") // get a session attribute
sessionAttributeMap() // map of all session attributes
message() // receive a string message from the client
messageAsClass(clazz) // deserialize message from client
data() // receive a byte array of data from the client
offset() // the offset of the data
length() // the length of the data
status() // the int status for why connection was closed
reason() // the string reason for why connection was closed
error() // the throwable error that occurred
The WsConnectContext
class doesn’t add anything to the base WsContext
Handler groups
You can group your endpoints by using the routes()
and path()
methods. routes()
a temporary static instance of Javalin so you can skip the app.
prefix before your handlers.
This is equivalent to calling ApiBuilder.get(app, ...)
, which translates
to app.get(...)
. It is not a global singleton that holds any information, so
you can use this safely in multiple locations and from multiple threads.
You can import all the HTTP methods with import static io.javalin.apibuilder.ApiBuilder.*
- Java
- Kotlin
app.routes(() -> {
path("users", () -> {
path("{id}", () -> {
ws("events", UserController::webSocketEvents);
app.routes {
path("users") {
path("{id}") {
ws("events", UserController::webSocketEvents)
Note that path()
prefixes your paths with /
(if you don’t add it yourself).
This means that path("api", ...)
and path("/api", ...)
are equivalent.
The CrudHandler
is an interface that can be used within a routes()
- Java
- Kotlin
app.routes(() -> {
crud("users/{user-id}", new UserController());
app.routes {
crud("users/{user-id}", UserController())
It implements the five most common crud operations:
interface CrudHandler {
getOne(ctx, resourceId)
update(ctx, resourceId)
delete(ctx, resourceId)
You can use Javalin’s Validator
class for query, form, and path parameters, as well as
headers and the request body:
- Java
- Kotlin
ctx.queryParamAsClass("paramName", MyClass.class) // creates a Validator<MyClass> for the value of queryParam("paramName")
ctx.formParamAsClass("paramName", MyClass.class) // creates a Validator<MyClass> for the value of formParam("paramName")
ctx.pathParamAsClass("paramName", MyClass.class) // creates a Validator<MyClass> for the value of pathParam("paramName")
ctx.headerAsClass("headerName", MyClass.class) // creates a Validator<MyClass> for the value of header("paramName")
ctx.bodyValidator(MyClass.class) // creates a Validator<MyClass> for the value of body()
ctx.queryParamAsClass<MyClass>("paramName") // creates a Validator<MyClass> for the value of queryParam("paramName")
ctx.formParamAsClass<MyClass>("paramName") // creates a Validator<MyClass> for the value of formParam("paramName")
ctx.pathParamAsClass<MyClass>("paramName") // creates a Validator<MyClass> for the value of pathParam("paramName")
ctx.headerAsClass<MyClass>("headerName") // creates a Validator<MyClass> for the value of header("paramName")
ctx.bodyValidator<MyClass>() // creates a Validator<MyClass> for the value of body()
You can also create your own validator manually through
Validator.create(clazz, value, fieldName)
Validator API
allowNullable() // turn the Validator into a NullableValidator (must be called first)
check(predicate, "error") // add a check with a ValidationError("error") to the Validator
check(predicate, validationError) // add a check with a ValidationError to the Validator (can have args for localization)
get() // return the validated value as the specified type, or throw ValidationException
getOrThrow(exceptionFunction) // return the validated value as the specified type, or throw custom exception
getOrDefault() // return default-value if value is null, else call get()
errors() // get all the errors of the Validator (as map("fieldName", List<ValidationError>))
Validation examples
- Java
- Kotlin
// VALIDATE A SINGLE QUERY PARAMETER WITH A DEFAULT VALUE /////////////////////////////////////////////
Integer myValue = ctx.queryParamAsClass("value", Integer.class).getOrDefault(788) // validate value
ctx.result(value) // return validated value to the client
// GET ?value=a would yield HTTP 400 - {"my-qp":[{"message":"TYPE_CONVERSION_FAILED","args":{},"value":"a"}]}
// GET ?value=1 would yield HTTP 200 - 1 (the validated value)
// GET ? would yield HTTP 200 - 788 (the default value)
// VALIDATE TWO DEPENDENT QUERY PARAMETERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Instant fromDate = ctx.queryParamAsClass("from", Instant.class).get();
Instant toDate = ctx.queryParamAsClass("to", Instant.class)
.check(it -> it.isAfter(fromDate), "'to' has to be after 'from'")
// VALIDATE A JSON BODY ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
MyObject myObject = ctx.bodyValidator(MyObject.class)
.check(obj -> obj.myObjectProperty == someValue, "THINGS_MUST_BE_EQUAL")
// VALIDATE WITH CUSTOM VALIDATIONERROR ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
ctx.queryParamAsClass("param", Integer.class)
.check({ it > 5 }, new ValidationError("OVER_LIMIT", Map.of("limit", 5)))
// GET ?param=10 would yield HTTP 400 - {"param":[{"message":"OVER_LIMIT","args":{"limit":5},"value":10}]}
// VALIDATE A SINGLE QUERY PARAMETER WITH A DEFAULT VALUE /////////////////////////////////////////////
val myValue = ctx.queryParamAsClass<Int>("value").getOrDefault(788) // validate value
ctx.result(value) // return validated value to the client
// GET ?value=a would yield HTTP 400 - {"my-qp":[{"message":"TYPE_CONVERSION_FAILED","args":{},"value":"a"}]}
// GET ?value=1 would yield HTTP 200 - 1 (the validated value)
// GET ? would yield HTTP 200 - 788 (the default value)
// VALIDATE TWO DEPENDENT QUERY PARAMETERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
val fromDate = ctx.queryParamAsClass<Instant>("from").get()
val toDate = ctx.queryParamAsClass<Instant>("to")
.check({ it.isAfter(fromDate) }, "'to' has to be after 'from'")
// VALIDATE A JSON BODY ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
val myObject = ctx.bodyValidator<MyObject>()
.check({ it.myObjectProperty == someValue }, "THINGS_MUST_BE_EQUAL")
// VALIDATE WITH CUSTOM VALIDATIONERROR ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
.check({ it > 5 }, ValidationError("OVER_LIMIT", args = mapOf("limit" to 5)))
// GET ?param=10 would yield HTTP 400 - {"param":[{"message":"OVER_LIMIT","args":{"limit":5},"value":10}]}
Collecting multiple errors
- Java
- Kotlin
Validator<Integer> ageValidator = ctx.queryParamAsClass("age", Integer.class)
.check(n -> !n.contains("-"), "ILLEGAL_CHARACTER")
// Empty map if no errors, otherwise a map with the key "age" and failed check messages in the list.
Map<String, List<Integer>> errors = ageValidator.errors();
// Merges all errors from all validators in the list. Empty map if no errors exist.
Map<String, List<Object>> manyErrors = JavalinValidation.collectErrors(ageValidator, otherValidator, ...)
val ageValidator = ctx.queryParamAsClass<Int>("age")
.check({ !it.contains("-") }, "ILLEGAL_CHARACTER")
// Empty map if no errors, otherwise a map with the key "age" and failed check messages in the list.
val errors = ageValidator.errors()
// Merges all errors from all validators in the list. Empty map if no errors exist.
val manyErrors = listOf(ageValidator, otherValidator, ...)
When a Validator
throws, it is mapped by:
app.exception( { e, ctx ->
You can override this by doing:
- Java
- Kotlin
app.exception(ValidationException.class, (e, ctx) -> {
// your code
app.exception( { e, ctx ->
// your code
Custom converters
If you need to validate a non-included class, you have to register a custom converter:
- Java
- Kotlin
JavalinValidation.register(Instant.class, v -> Instant.ofEpochMilli(v.toLong());
JavalinValidation.register( { Instant.ofEpochMilli(it.toLong()) }
Access manager
Javalin has a functional interface AccessManager
, which let’s you
set per-endpoint authentication and/or authorization. It’s also common to use
before-handlers for this, but enforcing per-endpoint roles give you much more
explicit and readable code. You can implement your access-manager however you want.
Below is an example implementation:
- Java
- Kotlin
// Set the access-manager that Javalin should use
config.accessManager((handler, ctx, routeRoles) -> {
MyRole userRole = getUserRole(ctx);
if (routeRoles.contains(userRole)) {
} else {
Role getUserRole(Context ctx) {
// determine user role based on request.
// typically done by inspecting headers, cookies, or user session
enum Role implements RouteRole {
app.get("/un-secured", ctx -> ctx.result("Hello"), Role.ANYONE);
app.get("/secured", ctx -> ctx.result("Hello"), Role.ROLE_ONE);
// Set the access-manager that Javalin should use
config.accessManager { handler, ctx, routeRoles ->
val userRole = getUserRole(ctx) // determine user role based on request
if (routeRoles.contains(userRole)) {
} else {
fun getUserRole(ctx: Context) : Role {
// determine user role based on request.
// typically done by inspecting headers, cookies, or user session
enum class Role : RouteRole {
app.get("/un-secured", { ctx -> ctx.result("Hello") }, Role.ANYONE);
app.get("/secured", { ctx -> ctx.result("Hello") }, Role.ROLE_ONE);
The AccessManager
will also run before your WebSocket upgrade request
(if you have added roles to the endpoint), but keep in mind that WebSockets are long lived,
so it might be wise to perform a check in wsBefore
If you want to perform less restricted access management,
you should consider using a before
Default responses
Javalin comes with a built in class called HttpResponseException
, which can be used for default responses.
If the client accepts JSON, a JSON object is returned. Otherwise a plain text response is returned."/") { throw new ForbiddenResponse("Off limits!") }
If client accepts JSON:
"title": "Off limits!",
"status": 403,
"type": "",
"details": []
You can include a Map<String, String>
of details if you wish.
Returns a 302 Found response with the default title Redirected
Returns a 400 Bad Request response with the default title Bad request
Returns a 401 Unauthorized response with the default title Unauthorized
Returns a 403 Forbidden response with the default title Forbidden
Returns a 404 Not Found response with the default title Not found
Returns a 405 Method Not Allowed response with the default title Method not allowed
Returns a 409 Conflict response with the default title Conflict
Returns a 410 Gone response with the default title Gone
Returns a 500 Internal Server Error response with the default title Internal server error
Returns a 502 Bad Gateway response with the default title Bad gateway
Returns a 503 Service Unavailable response with the default title Service unavailable
Returns a 504 Gateway Timeout response with the default title Gateway timeout
Exception Mapping
All handlers (before, endpoint, after) can throw Exception
(and any subclass of Exception
The app.exception()
method gives you a way of handling these exceptions:
- Java
- Kotlin
app.exception(NullPointerException.class, (e, ctx) -> {
// handle nullpointers here
app.exception(Exception.class, (e, ctx) -> {
// handle general exceptions here
// will not trigger if more specific exception-mapper found
app.exception( { e, ctx ->
// handle nullpointers here
app.exception( { e, ctx ->
// handle general exceptions here
// will not trigger if more specific exception-mapper found
WebSocket Exception Mapping
The different WebSocket handlers throw exceptions. The app.wsException()
method gives you a way of handling these exceptions:
- Java
- Kotlin
app.wsException(NullPointerException.class, (e, ctx) -> {
// handle nullpointers here
app.wsException(Exception.class, (e, ctx) -> {
// handle general exceptions here
// will not trigger if more specific exception-mapper found
app.wsException( { e, ctx ->
// handle nullpointers here
app.wsException( { e, ctx ->
// handle general exceptions here
// will not trigger if more specific exception-mapper found
Error Mapping
HTTP Error mapping is similar to exception mapping, but it operates on HTTP status codes instead of Exceptions:
- Java
- Kotlin
app.error(404, ctx -> {
ctx.result("Generic 404 message")
app.error(404) { ctx ->
ctx.result("Generic 404 message")
It can make sense to use them together:
- Java
- Kotlin
app.exception(FileNotFoundException.class, (e, ctx) -> {
}).error(404, ctx -> {
ctx.result("Generic 404 message")
app.exception( { e, ctx ->
}.error(404) { ctx ->
ctx.result("Generic 404 message")
You can also include the content type when declaring your error mappers:
- Java
- Kotlin
app.error(404, "html" ctx -> {
ctx.html("Generic 404 message")
app.error(404, "html") { ctx ->
ctx.html("Generic 404 message")
This can be useful if you, for example, want one set of error handlers for HTML, and one for JSON.
Server-sent Events
Server-sent events (often also called event source) are very simple in Javalin.
You call app.sse()
, which gives you access to the connected SseClient
- Java
- Kotlin
app.sse("/sse", client ->
client.sendEvent("connected", "Hello, SSE");
client.onClose(() -> System.out.println("Client disconnected"));
client.close(); // close the client
app.sse("/sse") { client ->
client.sendEvent("connected", "Hello, SSE")
client.onClose { println("Client disconnected") }
client.close() // close the client
SseClient API
sendEvent("myMessage") // calls emit("message", "myMessage", noId)
sendEvent("eventName", "myMessage") // calls emit("eventName", "myMessage", noId)
sendEvent("eventName", "myMessage", "id") // calls emit("eventName", "myMessage", "id")
onClose(runnable) // callback which runs when a client closes its connection
ctx // the Context from when the client connected (to fetch query-params, etc)
You can pass a config object when creating a new instance of Javalin.
- Java
- Kotlin
Javalin.create(config -> {
// your config here
Javalin.create { config ->
// your config here
Available config options
autogenerateEtags = false; // generate etags for responses
prefer405over404 = false; // return 405 instead of 404 if path is mapped to different HTTP method
enforceSsl = false; // redirect all http requests to https
defaultContentType = "text/plain"; // the default content type
maxRequestSize = 1_000_000L; // either increase this or use inputstream to handle large requests
asyncRequestTimeout = 0L; // timeout in milliseconds for async requests (0 means no timeout)
addSinglePageRoot("/path", "/file") // fancy 404 handler that returns the specified file for 404s on /path
addSinglePageRoot("/path", "/file", location) // fancy 404 handler that returns the specified file for 404s on /path
addSinglePageHandler("/path", handler) // fancy 404 handler that runs the specified Handler for 404s on /path
addStaticFiles("/directory", location) // add static files in directory at location (Location.CLASSPATH/Location.EXTERNAL)
addStaticFiles(staticFileConfig) // add static files by StaticFileConfig, see Static Files section
enableWebjars() // add static files though webjars
enableCorsForAllOrigins() // enable CORS for all origins
enableCorsForOrigin("origin1", "origin2", ...) // enable CORS the specified origins
enableDevLogging() // enable dev logging (extensive debug logging meant for development)
registerPlugin(myPlugin) // register a plugin
requestLogger((ctx, timeInMs) -> {}) // register a request logger
// WebSocket
wsFactoryConfig((factory) -> {}) // configure the Jetty WebSocketServletFactory
wsLogger((ws) -> {}) // register a WebSocket logger
// Server
ignoreTrailingSlashes = true; // treat '/path' and '/path/' as the same path
contextPath = "/"; // the context path (ex '/blog' if you are hosting an app on a subpath, like '')
server(() -> Server()) // set the Jetty Server
sessionHandler(() -> SessionHandler()) // set the Jetty SessionHandler
configureServletContextHandler(handler -> {}) // configure the Jetty ServletContextHandler
jsonMapper(jsonMapper) // configure Javalin's JsonMapper
// Misc
showJavalinBanner = true; // show the glorious Javalin banner on startup
Static Files
You can enable static file serving by doing config.addStaticFiles("/directory", location)
Static resource handling is done after endpoint matching, meaning your own
GET endpoints have higher priority. The process looks like this:
run before-handlers
run endpoint-handlers
if no endpoint-handler found
run static-file-handlers
if static-file-found
static-file-handler sends response
response is 404
run after-handlers
For more advanced use cases, Javalin has a StaticFileConfig
- Java
- Kotlin
Javalin.create(config -> {
config.addStaticFiles(staticFiles -> {
staticFiles.hostedPath = "/"; // change to host files on a subpath, like '/assets' = "/public"; // the directory where your files are located
staticFiles.location = Location.CLASSPATH; // Location.CLASSPATH (jar) or Location.EXTERNAL (file system)
staticFiles.precompress = false; // if the files should be pre-compressed and cached in memory (optimization)
staticFiles.aliasCheck = null; // you can configure this to enable symlinks (= ContextHandler.ApproveAliases())
staticFiles.headers = Map.of(...); // headers that will be set for the files
staticFiles.skipFileFunction = req -> false; // you can use this to skip certain files in the dir, based on the HttpServletRequest
Javalin.create { config ->
config.addStaticFiles { staticFiles ->
staticFiles.hostedPath = "/" // change to host files on a subpath, like '/assets' = "/public" // the directory where your files are located
staticFiles.location = Location.CLASSPATH // Location.CLASSPATH (jar) or Location.EXTERNAL (file system)
staticFiles.precompress = false // if the files should be pre-compressed and cached in memory (optimization)
staticFiles.aliasCheck = null // you can configure this to enable symlinks (= ContextHandler.ApproveAliases())
staticFiles.headers = mapOf(...) // headers that will be set for the files
staticFiles.skipFileFunction = { req -> false } // you can use this to skip certain files in the dir, based on the HttpServletRequest
You can call addStaticFiles
multiple times to set up multiple handlers.
No configuration is shared between handlers.
WebJars can be enabled by calling enableWebJars()
they will be available at /webjars/name/version/file.ext
WebJars can be found on
Everything available through NPM is also available through WebJars.
Single page mode
Single page mode is similar to static file handling. It runs after endpoint matching, and after static file handling. It’s basically a very fancy 404 mapper, which converts any 404’s into a specified page. You can define multiple single page handlers for your application by specifying different root paths.
You can enabled single page mode by doing config.addSinglePageRoot("/root", "/path/to/file.html")
, and/or
config.addSinglePageRoot("/root", "/path/to/file.html", Location.EXTERNAL)
Dynamic single page handler
You can also use a Handler
to serve your single page root (as opposed to a static file):
config.addSinglePageHandler("/root", ctx -> {
Adding a logger
Javalin does not have a logger included, which means that you have to add your own logger. If you don’t know/care a lot about Java loggers, the easiest way to fix this is to add the following dependency to your project:
Request logging
You can add a HTTP request logger by calling config.requestLogger()
The method takes a Context
and the time in milliseconds it took to finish the request:
- Java
- Kotlin
Javalin.create(config -> {
config.requestLogger((ctx, ms) -> {
// log things here
Javalin.create { config ->
config.requestLogger { ctx, ms ->
// log things here
WebSocket logging
You can add a WebSocket logger by calling config.wsLogger()
. The method takes a WsHandler
(the same interface as a normal
call), and can be used to log events of all types.
The following example just shows onMessage
, but onConnect
, onError
and onClose
are all available:
- Java
- Kotlin
app.create(config -> {
config.wsLogger(ws -> {
ws.onMessage(ctx -> {
System.out.println("Received: " + ctx.message());
app.create { config ->
config.wsLogger(ws -> {
ws.onMessage { ctx ->
println("Received: " + ctx.message());
The logger runs after the WebSocket handler for the endpoint.
Dev logging
- Java
- Kotlin
app.create(config -> {
config.enableDevLogging(); // enable extensive development logging for http and websocket
app.create { config ->
config.enableDevLogging() // enable extensive development logging for http and websocket
Server setup
Javalin runs on an embedded Jetty. To start and stop the server,
use start()
and stop
Javalin app = Javalin.create()
.start() // start server (sync/blocking)
.stop() // stop server (sync/blocking)
The app.start()
method spawns a user thread, starts the server, and then returns.
Your program will not exit until this thread is terminated by calling app.stop()
If you want to do a clean shutdown when the program is exiting, you could use:
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(() -> {
})); -> {
event.serverStopping(() -> { /* Your code here */ });
event.serverStopped(() -> { /* Your code here */ });
Setting the Host
The Javalin#start
method is overloaded to accept the Host (IP) as the first argument:
Javalin.create().start("", 1235)
Custom server
If you need to customize the embedded server, you can call the server()
- Java
- Kotlin
app.create(config -> {
config.server(() -> {
Server server = new Server(); // configure this however you want
return server;
app.create { config ->
config.server {
val server = Server() // configure this however you want
Custom SessionHandler
You can configure the SessionHandler
by calling the sessionHandler(...)
If you want to persist sessions to the file system, you can use a FileSessionDataStore
private fun fileSessionHandler() = SessionHandler().apply {
httpOnly = true
sessionCache = DefaultSessionCache(this).apply {
sessionDataStore = FileSessionDataStore().apply {
val baseDir = File(System.getProperty(""))
storeDir = File(baseDir, "javalin-session-store").apply { mkdir() }
Read more about how to configure sessions in our session tutorial.
Custom jetty handlers
You can configure your embedded jetty-server with a handler-chain (example), and Javalin will attach it’s own handlers to the end of this chain.
- Java
- Kotlin
StatisticsHandler statisticsHandler = new StatisticsHandler();
Javalin.create(config -> {
config.server(() -> {
Server server = new Server();
return server;
val statisticsHandler = StatisticsHandler()
Javalin.create { config ->
config.server {
Server().apply {
handler = statisticsHandler
To configure SSL or HTTP2 you need to use a custom server (see previous section).
An example of a custom server with SSL can be found in the examples,
A custom HTTP2 server is a bit more work to set up, but we have a repo with a fully functioning example server in both Kotlin and Java: javalin-http2-example
Lifecycle events
Javalin has events for server start/stop, as well as for when handlers are added. The snippet below shows all of them in action:
- Java
- Kotlin
Javalin app = Javalin.create().events(event -> {
event.serverStarting(() -> { ... });
event.serverStarted(() -> { ... });
event.serverStartFailed(() -> { ... });
event.serverStopping(() -> { ... });
event.serverStopped(() -> { ... });
event.handlerAdded(handlerMetaInfo -> { ... });
event.wsHandlerAdded(wsHandlerMetaInfo -> { ... });
app.start() // serverStarting -> (serverStarted || serverStartFailed)
app.stop() // serverStopping -> serverStopped
Javalin app = Javalin.create().events { event ->
event.serverStarting { ... }
event.serverStarted { ... }
event.serverStartFailed { ... }
event.serverStopping { ... }
event.serverStopped { ... }
event.handlerAdded { handlerMetaInfo -> }
event.wsHandlerAdded { wsHandlerMetaInfo -> }
app.start() // serverStarting -> (serverStarted || serverStartFailed)
app.stop() // serverStopping -> serverStopped
Javalin’s plugin system has two interfaces, Plugin
and PluginLifecycleInit
interface Plugin {
void apply(@NotNull Javalin app);
interface PluginLifecycleInit {
void init(@NotNull Javalin app);
When implementing PluginLifecycleInit#init
, you are not allowed to add Handler
instances to the app.
The two interface methods are called like this during setup:
initPlugins.forEach(plugin -> {
// will throw exception if `init` adds Handler
plugins.forEach(plugin -> plugin.apply(app));
This is mainly so each plugin has a chance to add handlerAdded
listeners before other plugins
add their handlers, so that each plugin has a complete overview of all handlers.
Route overview plugin
You can enable a HTML page showing all the routes of your application by registering it on the config:
Javalin.create(config ->
config.registerPlugin(new RouteOverviewPlugin(path)); // show all routes on specified path
config.registerPlugin(new RouteOverviewPlugin(path, roles)); // show all routes on specified path (with auth)
Micrometer Plugin
You can enable the Micrometer plugin by registering it on the config:
Javalin.create(config ->
config.registerPlugin(new MicrometerPlugin());
Additional documentation for the plugin can be found here.
OpenAPI Plugin
Javalin has an OpenAPI (Swagger) plugin. Full documentation for the plugin can be found here, below are a few examples:
When using the OpenAPI DSL you define an OpenApiDocumentation
object to pair with your Handler
val addUserDocs = document()
fun addUserHandler(ctx: Context) {
val user = ctx.body<User>()
You then combine these when you add your routes:
post("/users", documented(addUserDocs, ::addUserHandler))
OpenAPI annotations
If you prefer to keep your documentation separate from your code, you can use annotations instead:
requestBody = OpenApiRequestBody(User::class),
responses = [
OpenApiResponse("400", Unit::class),
OpenApiResponse("201", Unit::class)
fun createUser(ctx: Context) {
val user = ctx.body<User>()
If you use the annotation API you don’t need to connect the documentation and the handler manually, you just reference your handler as normal:
post("/users", ::addUserHandler)
Javalin will then extract the information from the annotation and build the documentation automatically.
To enable hosted docs you have to specify some paths in your Javalin config:
val app = Javalin.create {
OpenApiOptions(Info().version("1.0").description("My Application"))
.swagger(SwaggerOptions("/swagger").title("My Swagger Documentation"))
.reDoc(ReDocOptions("/redoc").title("My ReDoc Documentation"))
Full documentation for the OpenAPI plugin can be found at /plugins/openapi.
GraphQL plugin
Javalin has an GraphQL plugin. You can see its documentation at /plugins/graphql.
Redirect-to-lowercase-path plugin
This plugin redirects requests with uppercase/mixcase paths to lowercase paths.
For example, /Users/John
redirects to /users/John
(if endpoint is /users/:userId
It does not affect the casing of path-params and query-params, only static
URL fragments (Users
becomes users
above, but John
remains John
When using this plugin, you can only add paths with lowercase URL fragments.
Javalin.create(config ->
config.registerPlugin(new RedirectToLowercasePathPlugin());
Different Javalin modules
Javalin is a multi-module project. The current modules (for 6.4.0
) are:
- the standard Javalin dependency, just as beforejavalin-bundle
- the OpenAPI plugin and all required dependenciesjavalin-testtools
- tools for easily writing integration tests for Javalin appsjavalin-graphql
- the new GraphQL plugin (thanks to 7agustibm)javalin-without-jetty
with alljetty
dependencies excluded and Jetty specific methods removed (useful for running on e.g. Tomcat)
Frequently asked questions.
Request lifecycle
The Javalin request lifecycle is pretty straightforward. The following snippet covers every place you can hook into:
Javalin#before // runs first, can throw exception (which will skip any endpoint handlers)
Javalin#get/post/patch/etc // runs second, can throw exception
Javalin#error // runs third, can throw exception
Javalin#after // runs fourth, can throw exception
Javalin#exception // runs any time a handler throws (cannot throw exception)
JavalinConfig#requestLogger // runs after response is written to client
JavalinConfig#accessManager // wraps all your endpoint handlers in a lambda of your choice
Rate limiting
There is a very simple rate limiter included in Javalin.
You can call it in the beginning of your endpoint Handler
- Java
- Kotlin
app.get("/", ctx -> {
NaiveRateLimit.requestPerTimeUnit(ctx, 5, TimeUnit.MINUTES); // throws if rate limit is exceeded
ctx.status("Hello, rate-limited World!");
// you can overwrite the key-function:
RateLimitUti.keyFunction = ctx -> // uses (ip+method+endpointPath) by default
app.get("/") { ctx ->
NaiveRateLimit.requestPerTimeUnit(ctx, 5, TimeUnit.MINUTES) // throws if rate limit is exceeded
ctx.status("Hello, rate-limited World!")
// you can overwrite the key-function:
RateLimitUti.keyFunction = { ctx -> } // uses (ip+method+endpointPath) by default
Different endpoints can have different rate limits. It works as follows:
- A map of maps holds counter per key.
- On each request the counter for that key is incremented.
- If the counter exceeds the number of requests specified, an exception is thrown.
- All counters are cleared periodically on every timeunit that you specified.
To use Javalin in an Android project, you will need to:
1: Target the Android SDK 26 and higher:
defaultconfig {
minSdkVersion 26
targetSdkVersion 28
2: Target Java 8:
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
3: Insert this in your build.gradle file:
packagingOptions {
exclude 'org/eclipse/jetty/http/'
4: Specify android.enableD8=true
in your
By default, Javalin serves requests using a Jetty QueuedThreadPool
with 250 threads.
Handlers are invoked in parallel on multiple threads, so all handler implementations should be thread-safe.
The default configuration adds a very thin abstraction layer on top of Jetty. It has similar performance to raw Jetty, which is able to handle over a million plaintext requests per second.
If you have a lot of long running requests, it might be worth looking into Asynchronous requests, or setting up Javalin with project Loom.
If you’re not sure if you need async requests, you probably don’t.
WebSocket Message Ordering
WebSocket operates over TCP, so messages will arrive at the server in the order that they were sent by the client. Javalin then handles the messages from a given WebSocket connection sequentially. Therefore, the order that messages are handled is guaranteed to be the same as the order the client sent them in.
However, different connections will be handled in parallel on multiple threads, so the WebSocket event handlers should be thread-safe.
People often ask how to test Javalin apps. Since Javalin is just a library, you can instantiate and start the server programmatically. This means testing is really up to you. There is a tutorial at /tutorials/testing which goes through some different types of tests (unit tests, functional/integration tests, ui/end-to-end tests). You can read it to get some ideas for how to test your app.
There is a Javadoc available at Please contribute to the Javadoc if you can.
To deploy Javalin, simply create a jar with dependencies,
then launch the jar with java -jar filename.jar
. That’s it.
Javalin has an embedded server, so you don’t need an application server.
There is also a tutorial on deploying Javalin to Heroku.
Other web servers
Javalin is primarily meant to be used with the embedded Jetty server, but if you want to run Javalin
on another web server (such as Tomcat), you can use the javalin-without-jetty
Uploaded files are easily accessible via ctx.uploadedFiles()
- Java
- Kotlin"/upload", ctx -> {
ctx.uploadedFiles("files").forEach(uploadedFile -> {
FileUtil.streamToFile(uploadedFile.getContent(), "upload/" + uploadedFile.getFilename())
});"/upload") { ctx ->
ctx.uploadedFiles("files").forEach { uploadedFile ->
FileUtil.streamToFile(uploadedFile.content, "upload/${uploadedFile.filename}")
The corresponding HTML might look something like this:
<form method="post" action="/upload" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="files" multiple>
Asynchronous requests
While the default ThreadPool (200 threads) is enough for most use cases,
sometimes slow operations should be run asynchronously. Luckily it’s very easy in Javalin, just
pass a CompletableFuture
to ctx.future()
import io.javalin.Javalin
fun main() {
val app = Javalin.create().start(7000)
app.get("/") { ctx -> ctx.future(getFuture()) }
// hopefully your future is less pointless than this:
private fun getFuture() = CompletableFuture<String>().apply {
Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor().schedule({ this.complete("Hello World!") }, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
You can only set future results in endpoint handlers (get/post/put/etc).
After-handlers, exception-handlers and error-handlers run like you’d expect them to after
the future has been resolved or rejected.
Async callbacks
The ctx.future()
method’s full signature is this:
fun future(future: CompletableFuture<*>, callback: Consumer<Any?>? = null): Context {
if (!handlerType.isHttpMethod() || inExceptionHandler) {
throw IllegalStateException("You can only set CompletableFuture results in endpoint handlers.")
resultStream = null
resultFuture = future
futureConsumer = callback ?: Consumer { result ->
when (result) {
is InputStream -> result(result)
is String -> result(result)
is Any -> json(result)
return this
The default behavior is to set the result of the future using ctx.result()
if it’s an InputStream
or a String
, but to use ctx.json()
if it’s any other Object.
You can provide your own callback to replace the default behavior:
ctx.future(myFuture, result -> {
if (result != null) {
} else {
Configuring the JSON mapper
To configure the JsonMapper, you need to pass an object which implements the JsonMapper
to config.jsonMapper()
The JsonMapper
interface has four optional methods:
String toJsonString(Object obj) { // basic method for mapping to json
InputStream toJsonStream(Object obj) { // memory efficient method for mapping to json
<T> T fromJsonString(String json, Class<T> targetClass) { // basic method for mapping from json
<T> T fromJsonStream(InputStream json, Class<T> targetClass) { // memory efficient method for mapping from json
GSON example
- Java
- Kotlin
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();
JsonMapper gsonMapper = new JsonMapper() {
public String toJsonString(@NotNull Object obj) {
return gson.toJson(obj);
public <T> T fromJsonString(@NotNull String json, @NotNull Class<T> targetClass) {
return gson.fromJson(json, targetClass);
Javalin app = Javalin.create(config -> config.jsonMapper(gsonMapper)).start(7070);
val gson = GsonBuilder().create()
val gsonMapper = object : JsonMapper {
override fun <T> fromJsonString(json: String, targetClass: Class<T>): T {
return gson.fromJson(json, targetClass)
override fun toJsonString(obj: Any): String {
return gson.toJson(obj)
val app = Javalin.create { it.jsonMapper(gsonMapper) }.start(7070)
Adding other Servlets and Filters to Javalin
Javalin is designed to work with other Servlet
and Filter
instances running on the Jetty Server.
Filters are pretty straighforward to add, since they don’t finish the request. If you need to add a serlvet
there’s an example in the repo:
Views and Templates
Javalin looks for templates/markdown files in src/resources
and uses the correct rendering engine based on the extension of your template.
Javalin currently supports six template engines (see below), as well as markdown.
You can also register your own rendering engine.
- Java
- Kotlin
ctx.render("/templateFile.ext", model("firstName", "John", "lastName", "Doe"))
ctx.render("/templateFile.ext", mapOf("firstName" to "John", "lastName" to "Doe"))
JavalinRenderer.register(JavalinPebble.INSTANCE, ".peb", ".pebble");
JavalinRenderer.register((filePath, model) -> {
return MyRenderer.render(filePath, model);
}, ".ext");
JavalinCommonmark.configure(htmlRenderer, markdownParser)
If you wish to configure a template engine (for example, to set a root directory for your template files) please consult the documentation for that particular template engine. These kinds of settings are not handled through Javalin.
If you need to configure settings beyond what’s available in JavalinTemplateEngine.configure
, you
have to write your own implementation and register it using JavalinRenderer.register
Note that these are global settings, and can’t be configured per instance of Javalin.
Vue support (JavalinVue)
If you don’t want to deal with NPM and frontend builds, Javalin has support for simplified Vue.js development.
This requires you to make a layout template, src/main/resources/vue/layout.html
<script src="/webjars/vue/2.6.10/dist/vue.min.js"></script>
<main id="main-vue" v-cloak>
new Vue({el: "#main-vue"});
When you put .vue
files in src/main/resources/vue
, Javalin will scan
the folder and register the components in your <head>
Javalin will also put path-parameters in the Vue instance, which you can access like this:
<template id="thread-view">
<div>{{ $javalin.pathParams["user"] }}</div>
Vue.component("thread-view", {
template: "#thread-view"
To map a path to a Vue component you use the VueComponent
get("/messages", VueComponent("inbox-view"))
get("/messages/{user}", VueComponent("thread-view"))
This will give you a lot of the benefits of a modern frontend architecture, with very few of the downsides.
There are more extensive docs at /plugins/javalinvue, and there is an in-depth tutorial at /tutorials/simple-frontends-with-javalin-and-vue.
TimeoutExceptions and ClosedChannelExceptions
If you encounter TimeoutExceptions
and ClosedChannelExceptions
in your DEBUG logs,
this is nothing to worry about. Typically, a browser will keep the HTTP connection open until the
server terminates it. When this happens is decided by the server’s idleTimeout
which is 30 seconds by default in Jetty/Javalin. This is not a bug.
A lot of people use Javalin for Minecraft servers, and they often have issues with Jetty and WebSockets.
Please consider consulting our Minecraft tutorial if you’re working with Javalin and a Minecraft server.
Use relocate is not required, but it can easily conflict with other plugin dependencies. If this is a publicly released plugin, this step is recommended to make Javalin work on a different Minecraft Server.
Usually jetty causes the conflict, you can add gradle script to build.gradle
following after adding the shadow-jar
gradle plugin:
shadowJar {
relocate 'org.eclipse.jetty', ''
Custom classloader
If you encounter some dependency missing errors such as java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
and java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
, try to solve it by:
ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
Javalin app = Javalin.create().start(PORT);
RemoteAPI can usually use the class loader of the main class of the plugin.
On Bukkit and Spigot it is a class extends
, on BungeeCord and WaterFall it is a class extends net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin#Plugin
Get it via {your plugin's main class}.class.getClassLoader()
After switching the class loader, you may still receive a missing dependency error from Javalin. You only need to add the corresponding dependency as prompted in the Javalin log.
Relevant issues
- (with solution)
Documentation for previous versions
Docs for 3.13.X (last 3.X version) can be found here.
Docs for 2.8.0 (last 2.X version) can be found here.
Docs for 1.7.0 (last 1.X version) can be found here.