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A lightweight REST API library

Javalin is a true microframework with only one required dependency: SLF4J (logging). By default Javalin also depends on Jetty, but you can exclude if you want to use a different Webserver (like Tomcat, etc). Javalin also has plugins for JSON mapping, template rendering, and OpenAPI (Swagger), but they’re optional dependencies that you have to add manually. See the plugins page for more information.

Download Javalin


Not familiar with Maven? Read our Maven tutorial.


Not familiar with Gradle? Read our Gradle tutorial.

libraryDependencies += "io.javalin" % "javalin" % "6.3.0"
@Grab(group='io.javalin', module='javalin', version='6.3.0')
[io.javalin/javalin "6.3.0"]
<dependency org="io.javalin" name="javalin" rev="6.3.0" />

If you want Javalin with testing tools, Jackson and Logback, you can use the artifact id javalin-bundle instead of javalin.

Javalin modules

You can see a list of all available modules on

Manual downloads

You can get prebuilt jars from Maven Central.
You can get the source on GitHub, or download it as a zip.

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