What is InfluxDB?

InfluxDB is a database for time series data, like metrics, analytics, IoT monitoring and etc. Its fast, available and scalable. For more details, visit — https://www.influxdata.com/

Initial setup

Before we get started, there are a few things we need to do:


The is a javalin microservice application, with 2 endpoints:

  • POST /upload: Receive events and insert them on database. If the event is old, discard it.
  • GET /statistics: Return a summary of the events (count, sum, min and max)


The application is made of 2 simple kotlin files:

  • realtimestatistics.Main: Creates the endpoints and application settings
data class Statistic(val count: Int = 0, val timestamp: Long = Date().time)

data class Total(val count: Double, val sum: Double, val min: Double, val max: Double)

val influxHost = System.getenv().getOrDefault("influx.host", "influxdb")!!

val influxDB: InfluxDB by lazy { InfluxDBFactory.connect("http://$influxHost:8086", "root", "root") }

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val app = Javalin.create().start(7000)
    val statisticService = StatisticsService(influxDB)
    val controller = Controller(statisticService)

    app.routes {
        get("/statistics", { ctx ->
        post("/upload", { ctx ->


class Controller(private val statisticService: StatisticsService) {
    private val asStatusCode = fun StatisticResult.(): Int {
        return if (this == StatisticResult.OK) {
        } else {

    fun post(ctx: Context) {
        val statistic = ctx.bodyAsClass(Statistic::class.java)
        val result = statisticService.create(statistic)

    fun get(ctx: Context) {
  • realtimestatistics.StatisticsService: Contains the business logic to create and retrieve the metrics, plus the database initialization
private val timeFrameInMillis = 60000

private val aggregateQuery = """
    SELECT  count(s_count) as count,
            sum(s_count) as sum,
            min(s_count) as min,
            max(s_count) as max
    FROM uploads
    where time > now() - 60s

init {

fun create(statistic: Statistic): StatisticResult {
    val now = Date().time
    if ((statistic.timestamp + timeFrameInMillis) >= now) {
        influxDB.write(dbName, "", Point.measurement("uploads")
                .time(statistic.timestamp, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
                .addField("s_count", statistic.count)
                .addField("s_timestamp", statistic.timestamp)
        return StatisticResult.OK
    return StatisticResult.OLD

fun aggregated(): Total {
    val query = Query(
    val results = influxDB.query(query)
    if (results.first().series == null) {
        return Total(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    return results.first().series.first().values
            .map { mutableList ->

For the full source code, check https://github.com/ricardobaumann/real-time-statistics

Running locally

For local running, I am using docker compose. So, on the root folder, run docker-compose up and checkout the endpoints above mentioned at http://localhost:7000/


With the service running, try POSTing to /upload with { "count" : 40 }

And then, GET the summary from /statistics.

Voila, boys and girls. Please let me know your insights about it. Thanks.