First, we need to create a project with these dependencies: (→ Tutorial)
Setting up the backend
Create a class with the following code:
- Java
- Kotlin
import io.javalin.Javalin;
import io.javalin.http.staticfiles.Location;
import io.javalin.util.FileUtil;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class JavalinHtmlFormsExampleApp {
private static final Map<String, String> reservations = new HashMap<>() {{
put("saturday", "No reservation");
put("sunday", "No reservation");
public static void main(String[] args) {
Javalin app = Javalin.create(config -> {
config.staticFiles.add("/public", Location.CLASSPATH);
});"/make-reservation", ctx -> {
reservations.put(ctx.formParam("day"), ctx.formParam("time"));
ctx.html("Your reservation has been saved");
app.get("/check-reservation", ctx -> {
import io.javalin.Javalin
import io.javalin.http.staticfiles.Location
import io.javalin.util.FileUtil
private val reservations = mutableMapOf<String?, String?>(
"saturday" to "No reservation",
"sunday" to "No reservation"
fun main() {
val app = Javalin.create {
it.staticFiles.add("/public", Location.CLASSPATH)
}"/make-reservation") { ctx ->
reservations[ctx.formParam("day")] = ctx.formParam("time")
ctx.html("Your reservation has been saved")
app.get("/check-reservation") { ctx ->
This will create an app which listens on port 7070
and looks for static files in your /src/resources/public
We have two endpoints mapped, one post
, which will make a reservation,
and one get
, which will check your reservation.
Setting up the HTML forms
Now we have to make two HTML forms for interacting with these endpoints.
We can put these forms in a file /resources/public/index.html
, which will be
available at http://localhost:7777/
Make reservation form
<h2>Make reservation:</h2>
<form method="post" action="/make-reservation">
Choose day
<select name="day">
<option value="saturday">Saturday</option>
<option value="sunday">Sunday</option>
Choose time
<select name="time">
<option value="8:00 PM">8:00 PM</option>
<option value="9:00 PM">9:00 PM</option>
To make a reservation we need to create something on the server
(in this case it’s a simple map.put()
, but usually you’d have a database).
When creating something on the server, you should use the POST
which can be specified by adding method="post"
to the <form>
In our Java code, we have a post endpoint:"/make-reservation", ctx -> {...}
. We
need to tell our form to use this endpoint with the action attribute: action="/make-reservation"
Actions are relative, so when you click submit, the browser will create a POST
to http://localhost:7777/make-reservation
with the day
values as the request-body.
Check reservation form
<h2>Check your reservation:</h2>
<form method="get" action="/check-reservation">
Choose day
<select name="day">
<option value="saturday">Saturday</option>
<option value="sunday">Sunday</option>
To check a reservation we need to tell the server which day we’re interested in.
In this case we’re not creating anything, and our action does not change the state
of the server in any way, which makes it a good candidate for a GET
requests don’t have a request-body so when you click submit the browser
creates a GET
request to http://localhost:7777/check-reservation?day=saturday
The values of the form are added to the URL as query-parameters.
HTML form GET vs POST summary
requests should be used if the request can change the server state.POST
requests have their information stored in the request-body. In order to extract information from this body you have to usectx.formParam(key)
in Javalin.- Performing a series of
requests should always return the same result (if no otherPOST
request was performed in-between). GET
requests have no request-body, and form information is sent as query-parameters in the URL. In order to extract information from this body you have to usectx.queryParam(key)
in Javalin.
File upload example
Let’s expand our example a bit to include file uploads.
- Java
- Kotlin"/upload-example", ctx -> {
ctx.uploadedFiles("files").forEach(file -> {
FileUtil.streamToFile(file.content(), "upload/" + file.filename());
ctx.html("Upload successful");
});"/upload-example") { ctx ->
ctx.uploadedFiles("files").forEach {
FileUtil.streamToFile(it.content, "upload/${it.filename}")
ctx.html("Upload successful")
gives us a list of files matching the name files
We then save these files to an upload
HTML form
<h1>Upload example</h1>
<form method="post" action="/upload-example" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="files" multiple>
When uploading files you need to add enctype="multipart/form-data"
to your <form>
If you want to upload multiple files, add the multiple
attribute to your <input>