Javalin rendering
The javalin-rendering
artifact is an optional module for the Javalin web framework that
provides a simple way to render HTML using popular template engines.
The javalin-rendering
artifact includes default implementations for several template engines,
including JTE, Mustache, Velocity, Pebble, Handlebars, and Thymeleaf, but you
also have to add the dependency for the template engine you want to use.
Adding dependencies
- Maven
- Gradle
<groupId><!-- template engine group --></groupId>
<artifactId><!-- template engine artifact --></artifactId>
<version><!-- template engine version --></version>
// template engine dependency
Included template engines
The javalin-rendering
artifact includes default implementations for several template engines:
Freemarker | ➜ |
JTE | ➜ |
Mustache | ➜ |
Pebble | ➜ |
Thymeleaf | ➜ |
Velocity | ➜ |
Commonmark | ➜ |
Using the plugin
All the template engines look for templates/markdown files in src/resources/templates
To enable a template engine, you have to register it on the Javalin config:
- Java
- Kotlin
Javalin.create(config -> {
config.fileRenderer(new JavalinMustache());
Javalin.create { config ->
You can also register your own rendering engine.
Rendering a template
Once you have added the dependencies for the template engine you want to use,
all you have to do is call ctx.render()
with the path to your template file (and optionally a model):
- Java
- Kotlin
ctx.render("/templateFile.ext", model("firstName", "John", "lastName", "Doe"));
ctx.render("/templateFile.ext", mapOf("firstName" to "John", "lastName" to "Doe"))
Configuring a template engine
If you wish to configure a template engine (for example, to set a root directory for your template files), all constructors have optional parameters with their template engine configurations:
- Java
- Kotlin
Javalin.create(config -> {
config.fileRenderer(new JavalinVelocity(myVelocityEngine));
Javalin.create { config ->
The configuration classes are not from Javalin, but from the template engine you are using, so please consult the documentation for that particular template engine to learn how to use them.
Recreating the old JavalinRenderer
Older versions of Javalin had a JavalinRenderer
class that was used to render templates.
This class was able to render templates based on the file extension.
You can recreate this class like this:
- Java
- Kotlin
class JavalinRenderer implements FileRenderer {
private Map<String, FileRenderer> renderers = new HashMap<>();
public JavalinRenderer register(String extension, FileRenderer renderer) {
renderers.put(extension, renderer);
return this;
public String render(String filePath, Map<String, ? extends Object> model, Context context) {
String extension = filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
return renderers.get(extension).render(filePath, model, context);
class JavalinRenderer : FileRenderer {
private val renderers = HashMap<String, FileRenderer>()
fun register(extension: String, renderer: FileRenderer): JavalinRenderer {
renderers[extension] = renderer
return this
override fun render(filePath: String, model: Map<String, Any?>, context: Context): String {
val extension = filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)
return renderers[extension]!!.render(filePath, model, context)
You can then register it like any other renderer:
- Java
- Kotlin
Javalin.create(config -> {
new JavalinRenderer()
.register("mustache", new JavalinMustache())
.register("jte", new JavalinJte())
Javalin.create { config ->
.register("mustache", JavalinMustache())
.register("jte", JavalinJte())