Important: This news article covers an old version of Javalin (v0.5.4). The current version is v6.5.0.
See the documentation page for up-to-date information.

Session attributes

You can now access session attributes more easily.

ctx.sessionAttribute("foo", "bar") // set session-attribute "foo" to "bar"
val foo = ctx.sessionAttribute<String>("foo") // get session-attribute "foo" as string
val sessionAttributeMap = ctx.sessionAttributeMap<Any>() // {foo=bar}

Improved request logging

LogLevel.EXTENSIVE now includes matching endpoint-handlers for a request. Given this app config:

app.before(ctx -> {...});
app.get("/matched/:param", ctx -> ctx.result(ctx.matchedPath()));
app.after(ctx -> {...});

A GET request to /matched/p1 gives this log output:

[qtp319977154-18] INFO io.javalin.core.JavalinServlet - JAVALIN EXTENSIVE REQUEST LOG (this clones the response, which is an expensive operation):
Request: GET [/matched/p1]
    Matching endpoint-handlers: [BEFORE=*, GET=/matched/:param, AFTER=*]
    Headers: {User-Agent=unirest-java/1.3.11, Connection=keep-alive, Host=localhost:7777, Accept-Encoding=gzip}
    Cookies: {}
    QueryString: null
    QueryParams: {}
    FormParams: {=[]}
Response: [200], execution took 1.65 ms
    Headers: {Server=Javalin, Date=Sun, 22 Oct 2017 09:56:27 GMT, Content-Type=text/plain;charset=utf-8}
    Body: (starts on next line)


Added a function for getting the current matched path (from the Javalin router) from the context.

app.get("/matched/:param", ...); // ctx.matchedPath() = "/matched/:param"