This is a simple tutorial on how to integrate JWT into a Javalin application. It relies on an extension which can be found here.

What You Will Learn

In this tutorial we will introduce the extension and what it provides, then we will show a basic use, and finally we will go a bit deeper and use some components provided by the extension. The tutorial assumes that you know what JWTs are. If you do not, then you can check this post for an easy but quite thorough introduction.


Currently there is no Maven dependency to get the extension directly; you need to pull the source code. There should be one ready soon, and this tutorial will be updated accordingly.

The extension itself depends on Auth0 Java JWT library.

The Extension

Note: it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with Auth0 Java JWT first The extension itself is quite small, and it provides three things:

  • Helper functions for Javalin Context to make working with JWTs easier, includes: extracting tokens from authorization headers, adding/getting tokens to/from cookies, and adding decoded JWT objects to contexts for future handlers to use

  • Decode helpers which take care of extracting, validating, and adding decoded objects to the context for you

  • An access manager

There is no requirement to use all parts of the extension, you can use only the parts you need for your particular case.

Preliminary Steps

For any use of the extension, we need what we call a JWT provider (for lack of a better word). A provider is a somewhat convient way of working with JWT which wraps a generator and a verifier. Where A generator implements the functional interface JWTGeneratr, and a verifier which is the normal Auth0 JWTVerifier.

Before being able to create a provider, we first need to have: a user class, a generator, and a verifier. For the sake of this tutorial we will assume the following class as our user class:

class MockUser {
    String name;
    String level;

    MockUser(String name, String level) { = name;
        this.level = level;

Now we can create our JWT provider as follows:

Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.HMAC256("very_secret");

JWTGenerator<MockUser> generator = (user, alg) -> {
            JWTCreator.Builder token = JWT.create()
                    .withClaim("level", user.level);
            return token.sign(alg);

JWTVerifier verifier = JWT.require(algorithm).build();

JWTProvider provider = JWTProvider(algorithm, generator, verifier);

1) First we initialize the algorithm we are going to use. In our case we chose HMAC256 but feel free to try other variants. Tip: if you are separating the application into services where only one service will issue the tokens then consider using an asymetric algorithm like RSA.

2) In the second step we create our JWT generator. It implements a function which takes an object and algorithm to generate a token with a set of claims and returns the token signed.

3) In the third step we create a verifier using the builder provided by Auth0. In our case we only have the algorithm but there are many more to be added depending on your case.

4) We finally create our provider which we will use throughout the rest of this tutorial.

Basic Example

Now that we have everything ready, we can finally start using the provider in our application. We will create a simple application which only has two routes: /generate and /validate.

// .. create your Javalin app ...
Handler generateHandler = context -> {
    MockUser mockUser = new MockUser("Mocky McMockface", "user");
    String token = provider.generateToken(mockUser);
    context.json(new JWTResponse(token));

Handler validateHandler = context -> {
    Optional<DecodedJWT> decodedJWT = JavalinJWT.getTokenFromHeader(context)

    if (!decodedJWT.isPresent()) {
        context.status(401).result("Missing or invalid token");
    else {
        context.result("Hi " + decodedJWT.get().getClaim("name").asString());

app.get("/generate", generateHandler);
app.get("/validate", validateHandler);

In generateHandler we use the provider to generate a token for a mock user. We then wrap that token in a response object which will result in the JSON response object to be {“jwt”: “…”}. In a real world example, that object might also contain a renewal token, an expiry date..etc.

In validateHandler we extract the token from authorization header using one of the provided helper functions, then we validate it using the provider. The authorization header value must have a Bearer scheme. An empty option represents lack of a token value or an invalid token.

Now if you visit /generate, you’ll get a JWT for the created user. Then you need to put that token in an authorization header with “Bearer” scheme and issue a request to /validate.

Some links to check:

Advanced Example

The previous example showed the basic functionality of the extension but you might have noticed two impracticalities in the implementation: you need to handle extracting and verifying the JWT for every handler that needs it, and you need to perform access control inside every handler. In this example we will show how we can solve those two problems using decode handlers and access managers.

A decode handler takes care of decoding and validating a JWT, then adds the decoded object to the context for future handler to use. There are two decode handler: one for reading the token from an authorization header and one to read the token from a cookie. Pick whichever you like. A decode handler is simply created using a helper function as follows:

Handler decodeHandler = JavalinJWT.createHeaderDecodeHandler(provider);

Note: it is a common mistake to think that JWT is an alternative for cookies; it is actually an alternative to sessions and cookies could be used for carrying JWTs

And should be added as a before handler, whether globally or to certain paths. In this example we set it globally:


We will then use an access manager to handle access management. An access manager requires the name of a JWT claim which declares the user’s level, a mapping between users’ levels and roles, and a default role for when no token is available. For the sake of this example, here are the available roles and their mapping:

enum Roles implements Role {

Map<String, Role> rolesMapping = new HashMap<String, Role>() {{
    put("user", Roles.USER);
    put("admin", Roles.ADMIN);

And the access manager is set simply like this:

JWTAccessManager accessManager = new JWTAccessManager("level", rolesMapping, Roles.ANYONE);

Notice that the user’s level claim must match what was specified in the generator.

Now that we have the decode handler and the access manager all set up, we can go ahead and put them to good use.

Handler generateHandler = context -> {
    MockUser mockUser = new MockUser("Mocky McMockface", "user");
    String token = provider.generateToken(mockUser);
    context.json(new JWTResponse(token));

Handler validateHandler = context -> {
    DecodedJWT decodedJWT = JavalinJWT.getDecodedFromContext(context);
    context.result("Hi " + decodedJWT.getClaim("name").asString());

app.get("/generate",  generateHandler, roles(Roles.ANYONE));
app.get("/validate", validateHandler, roles(Roles.USER, Roles.ADMIN));
app.get("/adminslounge", validateHandler, roles(Roles.ADMIN));

Although generateHandler remains unchanged from the previous example, validateHandler is now more concise and focused. You no longer need to do user authorization in the handlers. To highlight that, the example shows that both /validate and /adminlounge have the same handler but different access roles.